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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 1 of New Eating...

After almost 42 years of yo-yo dieting, I'm turning over the string.  I hope the slip knot doesn't choke me!

My husband is the stay at home parent in our house.  He is an avid Internet reader and has discovered a plan 28 days to a healthier heart and 9 super foods to a healthier heart.  Oh Lord.

As I said in another post, I like my bubble...my routine.

For breakfast I've been having four egg whites for several months.  At first, he made the eggs with lunch meat and cheese on the top.  Then I gave up normal eating utensils for Lent and started using only chop sticks.  That means the lunch meat got dropped because it was too much trouble to figure out how to cut the meat.  Currently, I just have four egg whites and one slice of American cheese.  I use my chop sticks to scrape the edges of the Tupperware and then break the eggs into little squares.  To the horror of my coworkers, I eat this cold.  (Eggs are smelly.  Heating them up makes them more smelly. Heating up already cooked eggs just cooks them more.  Hence:  cold.)  I love my eggs and hope that doesn't change.

He does the majority of grocery shopping at Sam's Club.  While I was at work, he did the shopping.  So, we now have vast amounts of healthy foods.  I'll be allowing my husband to make the food decisions for me.

As an after school snack, I had 20 unsalted almonds.  For dinner he fed me a meal replacement shake with added banana and strawberries, a small cup of frozen fruit, a glass of red wine, and two squares of dark chocolate.  I could care less about the dark chocolate.  I'm not a fan, but I'll gladly eat it if you tell me to.  The wine was yummy.  However, my glass is empty.  I want another glass but he's not getting up to fill it.


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