The last day in the Costwolds and then on to Windermere in The Lake District.
My mom and I went out for a quick walk after breakfast to see the River Avon. There were the cutest little ducklings huddled up together on a bridge fender.
And a few swans.
So, we went back to get the kids and my dad...and the left over hunk of bread from the day before. (This was my chance to win the kids back after having to take them away from the mamma swan and signets the day before.). I lured them with the promise of "some" swans.
However, the mean mommy strikes again. It was time to go. Time to leave the Cotswolds and move on to the Lake Windermere
Shawn had read on the internet that this hotel was a very "blind person friendly" place. So, we were curious about what it was going to be like!!
The Garmin could not pick up the address of the hotel, that left us with no "real" destination other than the name of the street and a crossroad. As we turned onto the street we knew the hotel was on, someone spotted a sign for drivers "to be aware of blind persons". (My mom collects pictures of funny and unusual signs. So, having a sign aficionado in the car came in quite handy.). There was a car park and look-out area near the sign so we pulled over to consult our maps and electronics. No luck.
We drove on slowly, looking for the hotel but didn't find it. So, back up the hill to have another go at it. And there it was...across from the overlook. (We were too busy looking at maps and things and apparently didn't look up to see the sign for the Windermere Manor!)
While waiting for it to be dinner time, we chose to take advantage of the lovely grounds. There were fluffy rabbits all over the place! No matter how slowly we approached, the bunnies held their ground until just the last second when we reached out a hand... boing... boing... boing... cottontail and into the thicket.
Summer and I walked down to the overlook/car park and had loads of fun watching the rabbits munch on leaves, under the protection of the thorns from wild blackberry shrubs and a large stone wall. We delighted in seeing an adorable fat and bunchy field mouse snacking on something that looked like a Funion. The scene was precisely like Beatrix Potter!
Indeed, there were blind people and service dogs at this hotel. But, these folks were quite happy to let the kids pet their dogs and Summer especially appeared to have a nice time sitting on the floor being surrounded by big Labrador type dogs that were just like black and yellow lumps on the carpet.
I chatted with one woman who shared with me that although her dog was only seven, she was retired. She went on to explain that her husband was blind and this was his dog. When her husband died the guide dog folks allowed her to keep the dog, hence...retired at only seven.
Nicholas and my dad played checkers with giant chess pieces. Nicholas carefully thought about each move and within about ten minutes already had a king and a collection of my dad's pieces. The game went on for another twenty or so minutes. Then, Nicholas made a fatal mistake! He accidentally set my dad up for a THREE way jump! But, Nicholas was still in the lead. Eventually it became an even game, each with two kings and two regular pieces. Then, my dad had Nicholas way out. The match was hard fought! My dad won.

Nicholas in the drawing room, recovering from his loss.
After dinner, Shawn and Nicholas went for a swim in their indoor pool. I think Nicholas really liked the warm water and having a chance to finally use his bathing suit that he packed. What a day!
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