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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Two Tasks to Tackle

I tried to listen better today.

I defied a woman at my job and did something she told me not to do.  I let in a handful of early riser teachers ten minutes before the lady said I could.  Ut oh!  Why would anybody NOT let people come to work early and get a jump on the day?  Oh well...FAIL (And proud of it.)

I was a very good listener today as a mom.  My son rattled on and on about his friend, a book, a movie, pencils, a paper airplane, new light bulbs...PASS.

As a wife, I listened to my husband talk about his plans for the evening.  Hours later, I am proudly able to recall the plans:  politics, hockey, shower, bed.  PASS.

Now, on to the crossword puzzles...
The booklet on my night stand is dated May, 2008.  I'm on puzzle 49 and I usually only do the puzzles on one side of the book.  (I don't like to do these newsprint paper booklets on the side of the book that gets folded back because  I'm lazy I don't like doing the folded back page and that way I also only have to do half of the book.)  There are 144 puzzles.  I only do the odd numbered ones - so make that 143.  I've completed #49.  143-49=94 puzzles left to do.  I better be realistic and plan on doing no more than four a week.  That will take me about 24 weeks!  That's just one of these stupid little books!  I've got two sudoku books and another word search.  I guess I better stop blogging and start improving my vocabulary.

And so it begins.  Two tasks from my list are being actively pursued.  If all goes as planned I will be done with the crossword puzzle book by the time school starts back up in August.  I cringe at the thought of a deadline.  Gulp.

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